We’ve updated the details for Bells on Danforth 2018, including the full route. Remember that we have a new starting point this year at Withrow Park, one block south of Danforth between Logan and Carlaw. Look for us on the Logan side of the park. Visit the Bells on Danforth 2018 Details page for all of the latest information about this year’s event. Don’t miss what’s sure to be a great ride!
Author Archives: Bells on Danforth
Save the Date: Saturday, June 16, 2018
Here we go again! Bells on Danforth, your favourite pedal-powered parade, is back for another edition on Saturday, June 16, 2018. We’ve got some changes in store for this year, so stay tuned for details. In the meantime, mark the date and our new starting point—Withrow Park—on your calendar and get your bikes ready. Watch this site, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for updates.
And watch our fun video to whet your appetite for this year’s ride. See you in June!
Today’s the day!
Today’s the big day and at least one part of our plan is coming together: it’s sunny and warm! We’ll be gathering at Castle Frank starting at 10:30 am and leaving for the Crossroads of the Danforth at 11 am. Check out all of the ride details. See you there!
Happy Bells on Danforth Eve!

Tomorrow is the big day.
The weather is looking great and we’re all ready to ring and roll. We look forward to seeing everyone at Castle Frank at 10:30am.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook for the latest updates before the ride. If you want to join the ride along the way, watch for the group BellsOnDanforth on Glympse (web, or download the IOS or Android app) to see where we are in real time.
Today’s bell is from our friends across the Viaduct, Bells on Bloor, who just helped to launch the Tour de Bloor Passport:
Three more days!

It’s almost here. Get ready for a great ride.
In just three days, we’ll be riding from Castle Frank to Danforth Road. Who’s in? All of the details you need to know about where to go and when to be there are on the 2017 ride page.
Don’t forget your bell(s); all sizes and shapes are welcome! Even cowbells:

Nothing but the finest cowbells for us!
Keep an eye on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook for the latest updates!
Four days to go!

Getting closer. 4 days till bells hits the Danforth #bellsondanforth
What kind of bell are you going to (b)ring on Saturday? Here’s one of last year’s bells for inspiration:
(Photo by Risa Gluskin.)
Just 5 days until Bells on Danforth 2017!

Less than a week!
Are you ready ride the Danforth? In just five days, we’ll be cycling the full length of Danforth Avenue to Danforth Road in the east end’s premier annual cycling event. We’ve updated the ride page with all of the details, but feel free to comment on this post or send us an email if you have any other questions. You can also hit up our social media team on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook for more information.
Save the date: Saturday, June 24, 2017
We’re back! The 2017 edition of Bells on Danforth is set for Saturday, June 24. More details will be posted on the ride page as we get closer to the big day. Also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
If you’d like to volunteer this year, contact us at info@bellsondanforth.ca or come to our next volunteer meeting.
Volunteer Meeting: Monday, May 1, 2017
Have you taken part in Bells on Danforth in the past and wondered, “Gee, this is fun, but I really wish I could do something to help out before the ride”? Well, wonder no more, your dreams have been answered! Just join us for our next volunteer meeting and we’ll have you working on your dream in no time!
Here’s where you can find us:
Bells on Danforth 2017 volunteer meeting #3
7:00 pm, Monday, May 1
Committee Room A (upstairs & to the left)
East York Civic Centre (northwest corner of Coxwell & Mortimer Aves)
Contact us at info@bellsondanforth.ca if you have any questions or if you aren’t able to attend this meeting but would still like to be involved.
Follow Bells on Danforth 2016!
You can follow the progress of this year’s Bells on Danforth on this handy map:
It will show our current location starting before 11 a.m. and will track us we make our way toward the Crossroads of the Danforth. Join us at the beginning of the ride or somewhere along the way! You can also view the map here.